Children’s Formation at Christ Church

Christ Church Children’s Formation

We are a covenant people, which means children are welcomed and necessary members of Christ's Body. We love having children of all ages as part of our service at Christ Church, and we welcome families to come to the Eucharist table together. We also recognize that it is important to create a space where growing children can begin to understand who God is in a way that is designed for their appropriate age levels.

Children will experience a 'little liturgy' in classes where they can open their hearts to God, hear His Word in stories, and respond with 'wondering questions' and activity choice time. During the months of September through May, we offer formation classes during the service for children ages 2 years through Grade 3. A catechism class for 4-6th grade is offered on the last Sunday of the month.

We use the Anglican curriculum, God’s Big Story.  Read more about God’s Big Story here :

God’s Big Story invites children to enter into the narrative of God’s abounding faithfulness and love for all his beloved children. Our aim is that children and their teachers might hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and experience the fullness of new life in Christ as part of His body, the church. 

Fall Kick-Off

Please note that our children’s church takes a break during the summer since many families are traveling. Your children are welcome in our main service. Children’s Formation classes resume in September.

Sunday Mornings

Kindergarten through Grade 3

We offer a ‘Children’s Church’ for Elementary children in Kindergarten–Grade 3,  or 5–8 year olds. Children should meet the classroom age criteria by September 1, 2023.

Children's Church does not meet on the last Sunday of the month and instead children will join their families in the sanctuary during service. Children also receive formation in the service on baptismal Sundays, such as All Saints Day, Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost.

What to Expect

  • Parents sign in their child(ren) at the Family Check-in Table.

  • Children stay in the service with their families until they are dismissed with a blessing, and are walked by volunteers to the classroom. 

  • Children will be returned to the service during the Passing of the Peace so they may participate in Eucharist (Holy Communion) with their family.

Lessons in the God’s Big Story curriculum model Anglican liturgy in a child-friendly way. Children are welcomed together with corporate prayer, a hymn or song, catechism question and memory verse. We then move into a time to hear God’s Word and wonder about His Word together. Children have a chance to interact with the story that was presented during response time. They may choose to respond to the story with an art project, free drawing, Playdoh, quiet reading, or re-telling the story with blocks and story materials. We end each class with prayer.  



The Preschool “Little Ones” class is open to 2–4 year olds, along with young 5s that have not yet started Kindergarten.

The Preschool “Little Ones” class does not meet on the last Sunday of the month and instead children will join their families in the sanctuary during service. Children also receive formation in the service on baptismal Sundays, such as All Saints Day, Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost.

What to Expect

  • Parents sign-in their child(ren) at the Family Check-In Table starting 5 minutes before the service.

  • Please make a stop at the restroom before checking in your child.

  • Pick-up from the classroom during the Passing of the Peace. All of our children and volunteers are invited to participate in Eucharist (Holy Communion). 

Preschool classes follow a routine of: playtime, circle time with singing, storytime, and prayer. 

Spiritual Formation at Home

We also offer formation resources for family use at home following the Liturgical Church Calendar. Our hope is that these resources will help your family find a rhythm with the liturgical year and make meaningful moments at home.

Please see the events calendar for up to date information. 

Just a few of the activities we have provided to engage Christ Church families are…

  • Feast of the Holy Cross All-Church picnic at the park

  • Advent resource day with information and supplies for Advent wreaths and Jesse Tree traditions. 

  • Saying ‘good-bye’ to the Alleluias! at Lent, as well as celebrating the return of praise on Easter Sunday with a children’s procession. Lent resources for families include suggestions to make meaningful moments at home focusing on: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. 

  • Holy Week booklet for home use with resources for Good Friday and Holy Saturday Easter Vigil.

  • Good Friday Family Service with storytelling and hands-on, contemplative activity stations.

  • Pentecost All-Church Family formation event at the park with worship, bubble prayers, and a time to learn more about the Holy Spirit. 

If you would like more information about any of our programs for children and families, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Jess Roberts.